How To Stay Clear From Traveller’s Tummy

Travelling is all about experiencing and learning new things. You get to spend time at picturesque places and blend in with the locals. Travelling is also one gastronomic experience. In fact, many people travel to another country solely for a search of the best culinary experience the place has to offer.

It’d definitely be a treat for you to try out all those different food stalls you see on the streets. You, however, would still want to be careful with what you eat and not avoid getting a stomach flu.

Here are some ways on how to make your stomach happy while tickling your taste buds with the region’s delights during your sojourn.

1. First, you have to realise that the meals you eat at home isn’t necessarily safer than the food offered in a foreign land. The cause of intestinal distress, sometimes referred to as traveller’s tummy, usually stems from the fact that your body isn’t accustomed to the meal. Thus, your body needs to acclimatize to exotic food.

2. If you are not accustomed to eating raw foods, then avoid eating raw meat dishes. Disease-causing bacteria thrives in raw meat. The same holds true with seafood dishes. Make sure meat, egg, and seafood dishes are thoroughly cooked.

3. Drinks served hot are undamaging as bacteria do not survive in hot water. It is best to drink the beverage hot and without potentially contaminated milk. If not having milk is not an option, go for pasteurised milk or cream that are packed in sealed containers.

4. Fresh animal’s milk is good, however, they need to be pasteurised to make it fit for human consumption. This applies to other dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.

5. When purchasing dishes from a food establishment, order your meal well done, and eat them while they are still really hot. Be wary of dishes that are characterised by raw vegetables or runny eggs.

6. If possible, observe the handlers who are preparing the food. Food places that seem to have no good sanitation practices should not be patronised. You should avoid food from food handlers or servers who are touching their face, chewing gum, smoking, sneezing or coughing near food, or having dirty hands or fingernails.

7. Prior to consuming fruits, make sure to have it washed. Chemical sprayed on the crops prior to harvesting can be washed out.

8. Prior to taking cheap holidays to Turkey, Spain, Greece or some other country on the globe, it’s a wise decision to follow an old, confirmed food-safety tip: carry spices. Spices such as chilies and turmeric have anti-bacterial qualities which make foods safer to consume. Furthermore, they can make meals taste better still. You can bring your favourite spices or purchase them domestically.

Now you know tips on how to keep healthy while enjoying a gastronomic experience. Your satisfaction guaranteed, you will truly cherish your vacation not only for the places and sounds also for the flavours offered.